Global Rus IEC

Pacific State Medical University

Year of foundation: 1958
City: Vladivostok
Address: Prospekt Ostryakova, 2, Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia [Show map]

The Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Pacific State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (FGBOU VO PSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia) dates back to 1958. University graduates work in almost all regions of Russia, many of them are organizers of health care on all-Russian and regional scales, and carry out scientific research in the largest domestic and foreign scientific institutions.


  • In 1956, the Faculty of Medicine was opened at FSMU, where 100 students were enrolled.
  • In 1958 , on August 7, it was separated from the FSMU and transformed into Vladivostok State Medical Institute (VSMI).
  • The first postgraduate course was opened in 1961 at the Department of Biochemistry.
  • The fifth VSMI scientific Conference was held in 1965
  • In 1968, the Board of the Higher Attestation Commission allowed VSMI to form a dissertation council for the defense of PhD theses in the specialties “anatomy”,”histology”,”neurology”,”pharmacology”,”microbiology”, “therapy” and “surgery”.
  • In 1995, the Institute received the status of a university. The university received a certificate of state accreditation as a Federal state institution “Vladivostok State Medical University (VSMU)”.
  • Since 2010, the institution has had an organizational and legal form: State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Vladivostok State Medical University of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.
  • 2 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 8 academicians of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and 45 academicians of other public academies of Russia, 6 members of foreign academies, 19 Honored Doctors of the Russian Federation, 55 excellent health workers and 14 excellent students of higher education worked at the university. Scientific and methodological conferences on the problems of higher medical education were held annually (8 such conferences were held from 1997 to 2003).
  • In December 2012, the reconstruction of Building No. 2 at 165 Okeanski Prospekt began. The new building will house classrooms, lecture halls, auditoriums and a sports hall. According to the project, the complex was completed in 2016.
  • On January 1, 2013, the university was renamed the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Pacific State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (PSMU). The corresponding order was signed by the Minister of Health Skvortsova V. I..

Pacific State Medical University is the largest medical university in the Far East, which implements educational programs of pre-university, secondary vocational, higher education (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s, residency and postgraduate levels), which enroll more than 4,000 students.

Currently, the university is the coordinator of the scientific and educational medical cluster “Vostochny”, which unites medical universities of the Far East and the Trans-Baikal Territory in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated November 26, 2015 No. 844.

The University is an active participant in the international educational space, carrying out educational and scientific activities within the framework of international cooperation agreements with foreign healthcare organizations of the Asia-Pacific countries.

The University is a multidisciplinary scientific and educational institution because:

  • The Pacific Medical Journal, which is included in the HAC list, is regularly published
  • Until 2011, the Vita newspaper was regularly published
  • Editorial and publishing center of the university and publishing house “Meditsina DV” was established
  • Annually, targeted recruitment and admissions have been provided to the Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Magadan regions and the Republic of Sakha
  • International medical delegations were invited to share their experience in teaching, research, and medical skills (for example, from China, Japan, South Korea, North Korea, the United States, Germany, and Poland).
  • On September 6, 2010, on the order of the medical association of the Pacific State Medical University, the opening of the Center for the Protection of Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth — a clinic friendly to youth “Ivan da Marya” took place.

The University includes the following faculties:

  • Medical Faculty
  • Faculty of Higher Nursing Education and Social Work
  • Faculty of Preventive Medicine and Medical Biochemistry
  • Faculty of Military Training (for training reserve officers, disbanded with the transfer of students to the medical faculty)
  • Military Training Center for training career officers
  • Faculty of Pediatrics
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Specialists
  • Faculty of Pre-university Training

The stable state of the university is reflected in the results of monitoring the effectiveness of educational institutions of higher education, conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia since 2012, in which almost all indicators of the TSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia are above the threshold values.