Global Rus IEC

Tula State University

Year of foundation: 1930
City: Tula
Address: Russia, 300600, Tula, pr. Lenina, 92 [Show map]

The Medical Institute was established as a part of Tula State University. The Medical Institute is a structural division of the university and operates on the basis of a standard regulation and reports to the director of Tula State University in its activities.

The Medical Institute implements educational programs of higher, postgraduate and additional education programs, performs fundamental and applied scientific research in medical and biological sciences and carries out its activities in accordance with the license and on the basis of the Regulations and within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Medical Institute carries out educational activities in accordance with licenses issued by Tula State University. The Medical Institute passes certification, licensing and accreditation of educational activities as part of Tula State University.

The main tasks of the Medical Institute are:

  • meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, acquisition of higher education and qualifications;
  • meeting the needs of the medical institutions for qualified specialists with higher education and highly qualified personnel;
  • training, retraining and advanced training of healthcare workers with higher professional education;
  • training and professional retraining of highly qualified research and teaching staff;
  • training, retraining and advanced training of foreign citizens;
  • formation of students’ citizenship, ability to work and live in the conditions of modern civilization and democracy;
  • dissemination and popularization of scientific knowledge, cultural and educational activities;
  • organization and conduct of fundamental and applied scientific research and other scientific and technical, development work, including on educational issues;
  • medical and preventive activities carried out at the Medical Institute’s clinical facilities, subject to restrictions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • publishing scientific activities;
  • editorial work on the publication of journals on the profile of the Medical Institute’s activities;
  • holding conferences, including international ones;
  • as well as many other tasks that portray the advanced character of Tula State University and correspond to the profile of the Medical Institute.

The main educational and scientific divisions of the Medical Institute are several departments, the activities of which are regulated by the University.

The content of education and the organization of the educational process at the Medical Institute are determined by the curricula of various specialties, programs of science and biology, programs of practicals, schedules of the educational process for the academic year and the schedule of classes for each form of education. Curricula are drawn up by the responsible departments on the basis of State educational standards and recommendations of the relevant higher education institutions, reviewed by the Institute’s council and approved by the director of the University. In the same order, curricula are developed and approved for individual training of applicants to Tula State University and those transferring to it, taking into account the level of their previous education and ability of students. Individual plans may be established for every student by order of the director for persons transferring within Tula State University or continuing their studies after academic leave. Programs of several departments and practical training programs are developed by departments on the basis of state educational standards, are considered at meetings of the relevant departments, and are approved by the management of the Medical Institute. The schedule of the educational process for the academic year is drawn up by the University of Tula State University on the basis of curricula, taking into account the specific circumstances and conditions of the year and approved by the order of the director of Tula State University. Training sessions at the Medical Institute are conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Tula State University.

The volume of compulsory classroom classes of a student may not exceed the norms established by State Educational Standards. The total workload of a full-time student, including all types of classroom and extracurricular academic work, may not exceed 54 hours per week. Training of students in the specialty “General medicine” is carried out only in the form of full-time learning. The educational process in the specialty “General medicineā€ allows the use of clinical databases of health care institutions in the Tula region.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on higher professional education, the University, along with educational activities, carries out scientific and scientific-technical activities of teaching staff, researchers, postgraduates and students on the basis of the close connection between science and education in accordance with the requirements of the Tula State University.

Annual tuition fee – 200,000 RUB